Summer Teen Interns
Many parents in the city are concerned that the violence and crime will impact their teens. This summer, Source provided paid teen internships that included: training in entry level job skills, construction and management skills, assisting with community recovery, working alongside staff and volunteers, interacting with Latino Leaders, and witnessing spiritual conversations and prayer. A

Mpls Mayor Frey Returns
On June 26, Mayor Jacob Frey returned to volunteer at our Lake Street Food Giveaway. He helped bag up produce, encouraged our teen interns, gave a rallying speech to our volunteers, and even received prayer. Mayor Frey shared that “the same places that were hardest hit by Covid-19 were also hardest hit by the unrest

Homeless Street Outreach Update
As the summer came, so did the presence of more homeless encampments in Minneapolis. Victims of trafficking, mental illness, addiction, sexual abuse, unemployment, and homeless youth are all a part of those we come in contact with weekly. While distributing meals and offering prayer, we offer hope and practical ways for individuals to take their

Latino Outreach Begins
In the East Lake Street Corridor, where the worst of the 2020 riots took place, the Latino community has grown from 5% to 30% in the last 25 years. As a result, over 70% of our food shelf recipients are Latino. After years of prayer and preparation, Source has begun partnerships with La Viña Churches

Anti-Trafficking Update
One sign of Covid recovery in 2021 has been a return to some of our normal modes of outreach. Women’s Drop-In Center hours, law enforcement referrals, and new women in residential programs have returned. As vaccination rates increase and Covid restrictions decrease, the Source Community Center, the Fallout, is seeing victims and at-risk women come

Remembering Dave Heinrich
Dave passed away June 24th, 2021. Dave and Donna both loved people with every fiber in their being. They have experienced so much of God’s love, presence, and power, and they just wanted everyone to experience it. Dr. Dave Heinrich and his wife, Donna, founded Source MN in 1987. In 1995, Dave invited Peter to

Lake Street Food Giveaway – April 2021
We had our first Lake Street Food Giveaway of the year on April 17th. We were blessed with an absolutely beautiful day in Minneapolis as we gave out over 20 tons of free groceries to over 275 families. We had an incredible team of volunteers preparing the groceries, setting up and tearing down tents

“No One Has Ever Prayed With Me Before”
MPLS MANNA – A MILLION LBS OF FOOD In 2021, we plan to give away 500-600 tons of food annually, which is over a million lbs. of food, equaling over $1.66 million in food relief (USDA values groceries at $1.66/lb). Over the winter, we continued to support families in need. We currently see over 600
Dreaded Pastor’s Blog
Dreaded Pastor’s Blog: (Exec Director Peter Wohler) Thoughts, prayers & tears for East Lake St June: the 30 days following the riots Entry #1 – July 2, 2020 Peter will be blogging & V-logging every week in July – probably longer It has been an unprecedented month. After a 31 month battle with stage 4

Anti-Trafficking Internships
Anti-Trafficking Administrative Intern (on application as “General Intern”) Anti-Trafficking Casework Intern (Available starting January 2021) Anti-Trafficking Outreach Intern To apply to one of these internships click HERE