Summer Teen Interns
Many parents in the city are concerned that the violence and crime will impact their teens. This summer, Source provided paid teen internships that included: training in entry level job skills, construction and management skills, assisting with community recovery, working alongside staff and volunteers, interacting with Latino Leaders, and witnessing spiritual conversations and prayer. A highlight was when they had the chance to interact with the Mayor of Minneapolis at a Lake Street Food Giveaway.
The internship ended with an adventurous camping and canoe trip on the Saint Croix River with other Source staff. Although the internship was only for the summer, the interns quickly became part of the team, and it’s hard to see them go. We will continue this program in the years to come as we see Minneapolis inundated with youth-led crime and addiction. This is just one way that we believe can make a positive difference in the local urban youth, growing up in poverty and chaos.