Organization and Church Info
Below is an information on how organizations and churches can have connection, host refugees at services, get involved and support the Ukraine Refugee Youth Tour.
Also – Pastor Rudy and Peter Wohler (Source Executive Director) trip along with video link. Including: Miracle: Bullet Proof Vest Multiplication, you have to check that one out.
- 40 teens and children & 20 coaches/adults
- July 8-26 (USA Cup Youth Soccer Tournament 7/8-7/17, Duluth 7/17-7/20, Mpls 7/20-7/26)
- Pastor Rudy: (FOC) Family of Christ Hub, Uzhhorod Ukr
- FOC: $5 million critical humanitarian and military medical aid in first 90 days of war.
- Looking for Church sponsors, opportunities for Pastor Rudy and refugees to share testimonies, vans, meals and host homes (see below)
- Below Note from Peter Wohler, Source Exec Director, resent Medical Supply & Bullet Proof Vest Trip to visit Pastor Rudy in Ukraine (It was incredible & God is doing miracles)
- Pastor Rudy main message: “We are in great need of aid from the west that we will distribute, but the hope for Ukraine is not stuff from the west the hope for Ukraine is ‘Icyc’- Jesus.” The spirit of God is moving in miraculous ways amongst this humanitarian catastrophe.
Organization and Church Info Details
1. Sunday Morning services & teaching classes: Pastor Rudy and other refugees to share testimonies, short video available as well
2. Sponsor
- 100% of donations will go to tour expenses and humanitarian aid for Ukraine (goal to raise $500,000 of aid).
- Locking for $5k-$20k sponsors?
3. Volunteers to help with meals, events, rides and host homes
4. Wish list:
- 6-12 passenger Vans for any part of all of tour
- Meals for 80 people
- Host Homes
5. Finale venue
Report From Peter’s Ukraine Trip
I just got back from the Ukraine last week – Friday (6/3). I connected with a church and I’m proud to call Family of Christ on the western border. They are doing a United Nations level operations but UN is unable to. They have a network of distribution sites in 70 cities across the nation including cities and military outposts a mile(s) from the eastern front.
$5 million critical humanitarian and military medical aid in first 90 days of war.
4 million refugees have fled the country while 5 million are displaced in the western regions mainly from Kviv and the east. Uzhhorod a city of 120,000 before the war had 60,000 leave with the war began. Now over 150,000 refugees are in the city. Orphans are not allowed to leave the country and orphanages in the west have doubled in size. Before the war they had very limited resources. This is all significant because Ukraine does not have enough resources for its own military let alone to serve the refugees within its own borders.
Family of Christ and Pastor Rudy have served the poor in the western region for 10 years that included 17 orphanages plus nursing homes and military hospitals. When the war broke out his network of those in need quickly grew from the western region to throughout the country.
They’ve distributed 420 tons of humanitarian aid is 90 days along with 500,000 meals to refugees – they have a fleet of 14 trucks and vans that are constantly going from Uzhhorod on the western border all over the country to 70 different cities and delivering humanitarian aid and critical medical equipment to hospitals military outpost orphanages and churches. They unload the trucks/vans and bring back refugee families, children and elderly to the west.
FOC has provided $5 million critical humanitarian and military medical aid in first 90 days of war with only $150,000 of donations. Rudy has 85 full time volunteer refugees that are displaced from their homes in Uzhhorod that are giving themselves and committed to their country beyond what any UN worker would do.
Miracles as God moves and wakes up a nation
Miracle: Bullet Proof Vest Multiplication, Vest Distribution
We were able to bring 1,000 lbs of Bullet Proof vests and medical aid. We packed 65 vests and unpacked 113. Loaves and fishes were multiplied in the Bible i guess bullet proof safety vests are multiplied in Ukraine. This was a small miracle compared to how God is moving and waking up the atheist to the nominal Christian. As we have seen the last 2 years with the Mpls poor after 2020, people going through trauma are open and desperate for God to move in their city (Country) and their own lives.
MN tour
We are hosting Pastor Rudy, and refugees (40 youth and children and 20 adult) for a MN tour July 7-26 – that will include a boys 15-16 year-old team and a girls 13-14 year-old team playing in the USA Cup July 8-16.
Rudy‘s message, “We need aid from the west and we will be the boots on the ground. But the hope for Ukraine Is not stuff from the west the hope for Ukraine is Jesus.”
Their youth and adult coaches also have dynamic refugee stories of gods provision as well.
While they’re here they will be speaking in churches, hosting pastor leadership gatherings and doing benefits as well as fun events for the kids.
This is an incredible opportunity to expose your congregation to a grass roots level of the Spirit of God moving. I encourage you to take advantage and participate by giving resources, finances and getting your people involved.
Sponsors and giving
Many people have told me they want to support what is happening in Ukraine but i’m not sure who to trust and where the money will actually go.
- Sponsors: 100% of donations will go to tour expenses and humanitarian aid for Ukraine (goal to raise $500,000 of aid).
- we need church and. corporate sponsors