GIRLS LIKE US by Rachel Llyod
A book review by outreach volunteer Joy Spencer
Rachel Lloyd’s memoir about a life of sexual exploitation is not for the faint of heart. Often in excruciating detail she explains what life is like for “girls like us.” She tells her readers how girls as young as eleven are drawn into a life that is unthinkable for many of us. Sometimes these girls have memories of a good life before a parent dies or mom moves in with the boyfriend that changes her life forever. But often they’re born into poverty and other circumstances that make them an easy victim for the predators out there. Sometimes those predators are their own parents.
It’s hard to believe that these girls stay with people who abuse them not only physically and sexually but also psychologically. They have been so brainwashed by their boyfriend/pimp they’ll do anything for their version of love. They’ve been told that they’re worthless and have come to believe it. When they’re beaten, they think they deserve it. They become hardened while still being so vulnerable on the inside. Rachel demonstrates sensitivity and insight into those who have been commercially sex-trafficked.
Rachel gives us glimpses of her own life as a commercially sexually exploited person. She also explains what helped her to finally gain her freedom from this destructive lifestyle. She runs a nonprofit organization called GEMS – Girls Educational and Mentoring Services, that helps victims of sex trafficking. She advocates for patience and understanding and help for those who’ve been drug into the seamier side of life.
You can find a copy of this book on Amazon by following this link / clicking here https://www.amazon.com/Girls-Like-Us-Fighting-Memoir/dp/0061582069
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