“No One Has Ever Prayed With Me Before”
In 2021, we plan to give away 500-600 tons of food annually, which is over a million lbs. of food, equaling over $1.66 million in food relief (USDA values groceries at $1.66/lb).
Over the winter, we continued to support families in need. We currently see over 600 individuals monthly receive food. 35%-40% come on foot, representing families in our community with zero or limited transportation. Over 100 tons of food will be given to pedestrians in 2021.
The food shelf reflects the diversity of the neighborhood, where over 100 languages are spoken within a 1.5 mile radius. Somalis, Vietnamese, Native Americans, Caucasians, African Americans, homeless, single moms, families and young adults are present each week. Over 50% of those receiving food are Latino.
A single mom of four kids tearfully shared, “I never thought I would ever need a food shelf until this last year.”
She broke down in tears sharing how overwhelmed she has been this last year. We listened, and then after we prayed for her she responded, “No one has ever prayed with me before.”
She then made a first-time commitment to follow Christ. Please prayer with us for support and encouragement as she begins her walk and dependence on Christ.
To be known as, “the Christians who feed you and pray for you” is the goal and the blessing of the food shelf ministry.
Source’s Mpls Manna Million Lbs. of Food will help families stabilize and provide ongoing relief to the homeless. Second Harvest reports 1 in 8 families go hungry in the state of MN and that number is significantly larger in urban areas. Securing the basic physical needs reduces the impact of poverty, homelessness, mental health issues, domestic abuse and drug abuse (all of these have increased in 2020).
The individuals, families and communities of East Lake Street have gone through a community trauma in 2020. Many are still processing it and with the uncertainties of 2021 continue to live in that trauma. The more we can provide physical needs, the more individuals can focus on recovering from the trauma in healthy ways.
Distributing a million lbs of food also allows us to make contact and gain trust with hundreds of individuals and families. It gives the opportunity to speak into lives, offer resources, support, encouragement and prayer.