“I Need Your Help”
Neighborhood Pop-Up brings food and helps victim to safety and baptism.
One of our monthly Pop-Ups brought 5,000 pounds of food for 60 residents to Little Earth that included many elderly and urban poor. At the end of the outreach a desperate man announced to our staff, “I need your help!” He was ready for a change and get out of the abuses from his past. After spending time with him he shared more of his story. He made a first-time commitment to follow Christ and wanted to be baptized right away. We were able to connect him with stable family out of state to start a new chapter. Please pray for those making new positive choices that they are able to build on a foundation and truly make a break from the past.
Housing & Prayer: Women’s Drop-In
Women’s Drop-in has seen record numbers this summer. Some weeks we see more than 25 come to receive resources, a shower or laundry as well as encouragement and prayer from staff. Caseworkers and navigators have been successful setting up. shelter & housing along with Source supportive housing residents.
Prayers for addictions, housing, employment & family are the most requested practical needs every week.
Families and Teens
As temperatures rise, so does crime and violence – Opportunity & Hope are needed more than ever!
Source has been a presence on East Lake Street neighborhoods since 1995 – Now infamous for the 2020 riots, these communities and families struggle against crime and violence. This summer saw three homicides and a slain police officer within a few blocks from our Community Center. The city has seen a 25% increase in homicides in 2024 along with drug/fentanyl increases even higher. Minneapolis continues to have the fewest police officers per capita which adds to the struggle.
Families and teens of poverty struggle for stability and against being added to the statistics. We see immigrant families that have just arrived every week.
1) Outreach / Physical Needs (food stability),
2) Recovery Resources &
3) Faith Initiatives gives them Opportunity and Hope.
Fiscal Year End – August 31
Outreach Programs grow 25%-40% as those in need increase.
This last year we have seen incredible increases in our outreach programs. Our Food Shelf – $4 Million of food relief this year (2,000 families monthly), Women’s Drop-In (20-30 weekly), Homeless Meals, Alpha course, Community Meal/Bible Study, La Fuente Latino Church have all seen significant increases this last year.
Please consider a Fiscal Year End gift so we can enter the next year strong – FYE Goal $50,000
You can give today!
Learning About Faith and Life Skills
Learning About Faith & Life Skills
Summer teen internships focus on employment skills, community outreach, mentorship, leadership development, exposure to community leaders and faith leaders. The interns come from a wide range of families and backgrounds. Outreach staff member, Bethany, is meeting the challenge of making the internships relevant for all.

The students work with staff and volunteers to prepare and distribute 25 tons of food each week which is just part of the experience. Homeless outreach, weekly community leaders teaching, Women’s Drop-In, shuttle rides and delivering food to the families we serve, Spanish interpretation and weekly mentoring huddles have all been part of an intern’s week.